Miss Edith's Dollhouse

Absalom in the Bible

where I got this from

Go get your copy of the Bible, and check this out for yourself. II Samuel. Basically, this whole book of the Old Testament is on him. And as with a lot of the Bible, it seems kinda complex. I'll give it a go though.

So there's this King, David, whose got 3 sons (all by different wives): Amnon, Chileab, and Absalom. Absalom is supposed to be a bit of a honey, to quote 14:25

"Now in all Israel there was no one so much to be praised for his beauty as Absalom; from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head there was no blemish in him."
and he does of course have a gorgeous sister too, Tamar. Now Amnon falls for Tamar, who's a virgin, and rapes her, before deciding that he's not so keen on her after all. Absalom is understandably not best pleased with this behaviour, so he gets his servants to kill Amnon. King David then gets a little mad that one of his sons is dead, and Absalom gets real scared and goes to live with his maternal grandfather, Talmai, whose king of Geshur. He stays there for about 3 years, before his father forgives him after being prompted by a servant, Joab. So David sends Joab to bring Absalom home, but still refuses to see his son. This lasts for 2 years, until Absalom initiates a reconciliation.

So then Absalom gets himself a chariot, and "stole the hearts of the men of Israel". So he's getting really popular, and after 4 years time gets permission to go visit Hebron. He's been conspiring, though, and sending secret messages, telling them to say "Absalom is King at Hebron!" when they hear trumpets. David gets wind of this and skidaddles, and Absalom sets up in Jerusalem. David gets a spy in, a guy called Hushai, who sends a couple of guys to warn David that this adviser of Absalom's, Ahithophel, plans to go after David with 12,000 of his choice in men. Hushai also advises Absalom against doing as Ahithophel said. Then Ahithophel sees no one's doing what he said, and hangs himself, while Absalom goes after his father with "all the men of Israel" instead of just 12,000. So David's servants go to face this army, and they meet at the forest of Ephraim, but they are under orders to "deal gently" with Absalom. David's servants butt-kick Absalom's army, and a whole load of people die. II Samuel 18:7

"And the men of Israel were defeated there by the servants of David, and the slaughter there was great on that day, twenty thousand men."

Absalom's riding his mule, presumably running away again, when he goes under an oak tree, and gets caught up in it. A local guy sees him there, and tells Joab. Joab then takes 3 darts, and thrusts them into Absalom's heart while he's still alive but trapped in the oak. And then Joab's armour bearers finish him off. And that's the end of Absalom.

The 3 darts sound a bit like a staking to me, email me and let me know what you think.

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