Miss Edith's Dollhouse

A Barium Swallow X-Rays....

This is caused by eating hair or fuzzy materials, or by deciding to eat a plastic bag. The risk is generally quite low, but is greater among mentally retarded or emotionally disturbed children.

The various symptoms are

The child may have a lump in the abdomen (stomach) and a "barium swallow X-ray" (???huh???) will show the mass in the stomach.

The bezoar may need to be surgically removed; sometimes small bezoars can be removed through a scope placed through the mouth and into the stomach (similar to an EGD procedure).

Full recovery is expected, although persistent vomiting can lead to dehydration . Call your health care provider if you suspect your child has a bezoar.

Sorry guys, but I really have know idea what this guy's on about. If any of you feel you could enlighten the situation, send me something to put up here, but I'm gonna stick to the subject areas I feel I won't make a complete fool of myself in. Go visit the tearoom to get my email.

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