Wipe your feet, make yourself at home. Help yourself to tea and crackers. Visit my site map if you want the skinny on what this site has to offer.
Last Updated 26/02/02. There are more detail on what, exactly, right here.
I also have to mention my help section. Which is basically me pulling my hair out because I can't work out where to put various stuff and need to sort out my navigation. Until then, there is still some stuff I really wanted to put up, so here it is.
This is a work in progress, don't get mad, if you have a problem, just email me.
The main reason this is here, then is that I see a gap in the buffy websites I have visited. None of them look at the realworld connections demons have, etc etc. I hoping this sight will go some to bridge this gap, as I find it hard to believe I'm the only person to have typed in the names of various demons into search engines.
The main thing I feel the need to point out is I'm a Brit. There's just a few things that this means, the first being that all dates on this sight are written day/month/year. Sorry if you find that confusing, but my house, my rules...
The other thing this means is that I'm roughly half a season behind you guys in the US. Boo hoo, I'll get over it.
All characters, yadda yadda, and pretty much everything on this sight are not, I repeat not owned by me. Buffy The Vampire Slayer is owned by Fox and other related entities, and I have nothing to do with any of this. I'm just a fan... don't sue!