Feather Me Stunned

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This is just a small site for me and anyone else who feels like it to rant and rave about Life, the Universe, and Everything. I'm not sure how I'm going to keep up with updating it, but I'm hoping it will be fairly laid back. I'm not gonna redesign the site every five minutes, and I'm not going to do text version of everything. I know some people's browsers might not support whatever it is I'm using, but frankly I don't have time to make a fuss of this site.

This is just a small site for me and anyone else who feels like it to rant and rave about Life, the Universe, and Everything. I'm not sure how I'm going to keep up with updating it, but I'm hoping it will be fairly laid back. I'm not gonna redesign the site every five minutes, and I'm not going to do text version of everything. I know some people's browsers might not support whatever it is I'm using, but frankly I don't have time to make a fuss of this site.

This is just a small site for me and anyone else who feels like it to rant and rave about Life, the Universe, and Everything. I'm not sure how I'm going to keep up with updating it, but I'm hoping it will be fairly laid back. I'm not gonna redesign the site every five minutes, and I'm not going to do text version of everything. I know some people's browsers might not support whatever it is I'm using, but frankly I don't have time to make a fuss of this site.

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Site design by Missiedith.