
So first up, this site was designed and is maintained by Missiedith. It's all hand-coded, so it would be really mean to steal anything, don't do it. It'll give you bad karma, and more to the point, it would really piss me off, which is not something you want to do.

Now for covering my butt, this is a fan site only, I have nothing to do with Joss Whedon or Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which is owned by by 20th Century Fox. I don't make any money from this site, so there's no point sueing me anyway, I'm skint.

My images are my images, I'm the one that messed them up and played around with them. I use ArcSoft PhotoStudio 2000. I got all the original images from Going Through the Motions.

Other than that, thankyou to Sky for showing the unedited version, thankyou to my next-door neighbours, and to Lisa for taping it for me (my parents still refuse to get Sky). Also big thanks to Catherine, for first introducing me to HTML, and to Webmonkey for teaching me practically everything I know on the subject. Some of the dHTML also comes from Webmonkey, as I can't seem to get my head round netscape.