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All the lyrics from the songs.
Why I love this episode: My top 10 moments from it.
Fan Art from this Episode
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Credit where it's due, to all the sites and people that help in life.
The Park
Tara |
Do we have any books at all at home? |
Willow |
Well who wants to be cooped up on a day like this? The sun is shining, there are songs going on, those guys are checking you out... |
Tara |
What? What were they looking at? |
Willow |
The hotness of you, doofus. |
Tara |
Those boys really thought I was hot? |
Willow |
Entirely. |
Tara |
Oh my God, I'm cured, I want the boys. |
Willow |
I have to fight to keep you? Cos I'm not large with the butch. |
Tara |
I'm just not used to that. They were really looking at me? |
Willow |
And you can't imagine what they see in you? |
Tara |
I know exactly what they see in me... You. |
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