The First Magic Box Scene

Giles Good morning, Buffy.
Willow Oh, hey, did Dawn get off to school alright?
Buffy What? Oh, yeah, I think so.
Xander Respect the cruller, and tame the donut.
Anya Still funny, sweetie.
Buffy So no research? Nothing going on? Monsters or what not? Good, good... err, so did anybody, um, last night, ya know, did anybody.... burst into song?
Xander Merciful Zeus
Willow We thought it was just us.
Giles Well, I sang but I had my guitar at the hotel...
Tara It was bizarre, we were just talking, and then it was like...
Buffy Like you were in a musical.
Giles That would explain the huge backing orchestra I couldn't see, and the synchronized dancing from the room service chaps.
Willow We did a whole duet about dish washing.
Anya And we were arguing and, and then everything rhymed and there were harmonies and the dance with coconuts.
Willow There was an entire verse about the couscous.
Xander It was very disturbing.
Giles What did you sing about?
Buffy I... I don't remember, but it seemed perfectly normal.
Xander But disturbing. And not the natural order of things, and do you think it'll happen again?
Giles We should look into it.
Willow With the books?
Tara Do we have any books on this?
Xander We just gotta break it down, look at the facts before it happens again, cos I for one...
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